“Event” is a critical variable in historical and sociological studies. However, the endorsement of event in history has been questioned by the French Annales School in the 20th century, especially through Braudel's theory of the "longue durée”. In contrast, sociology employs event to explore the underlying social mechanisms in historical episodes, revealing the dialectical relationships between events and structures. This paper draws on William Sewell's classic study of eventful sociology to examine the meaning of event from the perspectives of history and sociology. Moreover, this paper proposes a new analytical framework called “relational-eventful” to understand the relational essence of eventful temporalities in social science research.
从小威廉·休厄尔的事務性时间性与事宜社会学研究出发,本文重点考察社会学与历史学对于事宜的剖析及其与社会结构的关联,剖析“结构—事務”路径的逻辑与得失,发掘事宜社会学理论脉络中暗含的关系思维,在迈向“关系—事務”的路径中從頭审视中国社会学的本土化历程,和历史社会学研究的跨学科旨趣。英文标题: | Eventful Sociology: From Structural—Eventful Analysis to Relational—Eventful Analysis |
摘要: | 本文引用自: https://shxyj.ajcass.com/Magazine/show/?id=89764 離婚證人 結婚證人 板橋遺囑見證人 法拍屋 、台北法拍屋 、新北市法拍屋 、桃園法拍屋 |